Grafting Linked Data

Robin Gower, Infonomics

Grafting Linked Data

What a billion rows taught us about pipelines

Robin Gower

Image Credit:Thomas RousingCC BY 2.0

Getting to a billion rows...

  1. What is linked-data?
  2. A grafter pipeline
  3. The threading macro
  4. Lazy sequences
  5. Holding onto the head
RDF logo

What is linked-data?

Bob, Alice and the Mona Lisa

Subject Predicate Object

  person:Bob a thing:Person ;
    :friendOf person:Alice ;
    :bornOn "1990-07-04"^^xsd:date ;
    :interestedIn picture:TheMonaLisa .

  picture:TheMonaLisa :createdBy person:LeonardoDaVinci .


    ?s ?p ?o .

    ?s a thing:Person ;
       rdfs:label "Alice" ;

Publish My Data (data view)Publish My Data (api view)


Grafter logo
Data flow with grafterGrafter templates

Domain Specific Language

  (def the-guide (->uri "")
  (def douglas-adams (->uri "")

  (graph deutsche-national-bibliothek
          [rdf:a gnd:Work]
          [gndo:variantNameForTheWork "Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis"]
          [gndo:preferredNameForTheWork "The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy"]
          [gndo:firstAuthor douglas-adams]]
          [rdf:a gnd:DifferentiatedPerson]
          [gndo:variantNameForThePerson "Adams, Douglas Noël"]
          [foaf:page (->uri "")]
          [gndo:dateOfBirth #inst "1952-03-11"]])

Composable Transformations

Composable transformation

The Threading Macro

(read-input file)
(process-contents (read-input file) capitalise)
(write-result (process-contents (read-input file) capitalise) "output.txt")

(let [contents (read-input file)
      results (process-contents contents)]
  (write-result results "output.txt"))

(-> (read-input input)
    (process-contents capitalise)
    (write-result "output.txt"))

Threading Sequables

(->> (range 0 20)    ;=> (0 1 2 3 4 ...)
     (remove #{1 5}) ;=> (0 2 3 4 6 ...)
     (filter even?)  ;=> (0 2 4 6 8 ...)
     (map inc)       ;=> (1 3 5 7 9 ...)
     (interpose "-") ;=> (1 "-" 3 "-" 5 ...)
     (apply str))    ;=> "1-3-5-7-9-11-13-15-17-19"

(->> (slurp "")
     (#(clojure.string/split % #"\n"))
     (remove empty?)
     (map clojure.string/upper-case)
     (apply str)
     (spit "shouty-lorem.txt"))

A Grafter Pipeline

(defn prepare [filename]
  (-> filename
      (read-dataset :format :csv)
      (make-dataset move-first-row-to-header)
      (rename-columns {"date" :date-string})
      (derive-column :date-of-birth :date-string clj-time.format/parse)
      (derive-column :age :date-of-birth #(-> % (interval (now)) in-years))))

Composition achieved by having each function take a dataset as the first argument and return a dataset.

Transformations can be parametised and arranged in a GUI.

Lazy Sequences

Infinite Sequence

(iterate inc 0)            ;=> (0 1 2 ...)
(take 5 (iterate inc 0))   ;=> (0 1 2 3 4)
(drop 8 (iterate inc 0))   ;=> (8 9 10 ...)

(defn iterate [fn val]
  (cons val (lazy-seq (iterate fn (fn val)))))

Holding onto the Head

Visual VM

Holding onto the head

(let [coll (range 0 1e10)]
  [(last coll) (first coll)]))
;=> OutOfMemoryError GC overhead limit exceeded  java.lang.Long.valueOf (

Releasing the head

(let [coll (range 0 1e10)]
  [(first coll) (last coll)]))
;=> [0 9999999999]

Can you see what's wrong?

(defn pass-rows [dataset f]
  (-> (make-dataset (->> dataset :rows f)
                     (column-names dataset))
      (with-meta (meta dataset))))

(defn pass-rows [dataset f]
  (let [original-meta (meta dataset)
        original-columns (column-names dataset)]
     (-> (make-dataset (->> dataset :rows f)
         (with-meta original-meta))))

More subtle this time...

(defn domain-data (->url ""))

(defn append-path-segments [url & segments]
  (append-path-segments* url segments))

(def observation-uri
  (partial append-path-segments domain-data))

(defn observation-uri [dataset time geo dimensions unit measure]
  (append-path-segments domain-data dataset time geo dimensions unit measure))

Memory vs CPU trade-off

(defn pipeline [big-input]
    (-> big-input process-a)
    (-> big-input process-b)))

(defn pipeline [get-big-input]
    (-> (get-big-input) process-a)
    (-> (get-big-input) process-b)))